Free Webinars

Several times each year, APBP produces free webinars on topics of wide-spread interest to the active transportation community. Click on a link below to view the recording and/or download handouts and other materials.

Like these webinars? Join APBP and receive discounted pricing for the monthly webinar series, plus get access to additional free webinars available only to APBP members. Click here to learn more.


Updates to the New MUTCD - What You Need to Know Part 2 | Download the slides (4/24/2024)
Updates to the New MUTCD - What You Need to Know Part 1 | Download the slides (3/27/2024)
Forum on MUTCD | Download the slides (3/24/2023)
Information and Education on the MUTCD | Download the slides (3/10/2023)
A Discussion of the NTSB Bicycle Safety Report | Download the slides (6/24/2020)
Connecting Research to Practice | Download the slides | handout (11/6/2019)
Accessible Roundabouts: Best of TRB (8/1/2018)
Pittsburgh's EcoInnovation District: Helping Residents Shape Outcomes (6/27/2018)
The Best of TRB from APBP: Highlights of Key Research Presented at TRB 2017 (7/17/2017)
Advancing Vision Zero (8/23/2016)
Women's Cycling: Telling Your Story to Inspire Change (8/3/2016)
APBP and NACTO Present NACTO's Transit Street Design Guide (6/27/2016)
Protected Bike Lane Series: Intersections and Protected Lanes (8/6/2014) Co-produced with the Green Lane Project
Protected Bike Lane Series: Accessibility and Protected Lanes (7/2/2014) Co-produced with the Green Lane Project
The Future of Bikeshare Transit Systems (3/5/2014)
Introduction to NACTO's Urban Street Design Guide (11/6/2013)
Green Lane Project: Advancing Best Practices for Protected Bicycle Lanes  | Download the handouts(10/31/2012)
Open Streets Project: Opening Streets to People, Sharing Resources, Transforming Communities | Download the handouts (10/10/2012)
TRB for Bike/Ped Professionals: Understanding and Engaging the Transportation Research Board Download the handouts (7/24/2012)
Model Design Manual for Living Streets | Download the handouts (2/29/2012)
NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide, 2nd Edition (90 minutes) | Download the handouts (9/5/2012)
NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide | Download the handouts (5/25/2011)
Update on the Proposed Rule for Accessible Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right of Way (90 minutes) | Download the handouts (11/2/2011)
Women Cycling Webinar Series:
Writing Women Back into Bicycling (3/31/2010)
Women Can Change the World Through Cycling (3/30/2011)
Empowering Women to Bicycle for Transportation (3/28/2012)
Women's Work: Bicycle Friendly Communities by Design (3/27/2013)
Women of Courage, Character and Commitment Moving Active, Sustainable Transportation Forward (3/26/2014)

The below webinars were produced in collaboration with the National Center for Bicycling and Walking and Cullbridge Communications. Sample these presentations at no charge; click on the title to launch the webinar. Download handouts and other documents here.

Emerging Trends for Bicycle and Pedestrian Work (6.12.08) - Presented by Seleta Reynolds, Associate, Fehr & Peers/Mirai
Ask an Engineer (9.17.08) - Michael Moule, Principal Transportation Engineer at Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, discusses a bike/ped engineer's best resources and answers design questions.
Bring SmartTrips Home (12.19.08) - Individualized marketing programs can help increase bicycle and pedestrian mode share
Cycle Zone Analysis (1.21.09) - Explore a new tool developed in Portland, Ore., for analyzing cycling conditions and learn how to apply it in your community
PEDSAFE - BIKESAFE (2.18.09) - Learn about PBIC's free, expert, online system to help you address bicycle and pedestrian safety and mobility issues
Level of Service for Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation (3.18.09) - An introduction to bicycle and pedestrian Level of Service (LOS) models.
Shared Lane Markings/Sharrows (4.15.09) - In-depth information about the uses, applications, and installation of sharrows
Ciclovías (5.20.09) - How to make a street closing event work in your community, with examples from NYC, Miami, and Chicago
Bicycle Master Plans with Peter Lagerwey (6.17.09) - A step-by-step guide to creating a great bicycle master plan with Seattle's expert, Peter Lagerwey.