Policy Statements
APBP Policy Statements
The Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP) supports the community of professionals working to create more walkable, bikeable places through facilitating the exchange of professional and technical knowledge and by promoting fundamental positions that are broadly acknowledged and acted upon by APBP members.
APBP Policy Principles:
- APBP represents the professional expertise and practical experience of its members in transportation policy discussions to advance active, healthy, and sustainable communities.
- APBP recognizes the impacts of systemic and institutionalized racism and we recognize our responsibility to identify and address inequities.
- APBP endorses active transportation as an integral part of transportation systems through all stages of planning, design, funding, and implementation.
- APBP supports connected, convenient, accessible and safe streets and pathways in every community and planning with the input of every member of a community.
- APBP advances a safe system approach that leverages active transportation to create equitable access for everyone in every place.

Caron Whitaker APBP Policy Specialist