APBP Chapter Awards - New in 2024!

The nomination period for the 2024 APBP Annual Awards closed on Monday, July 15, 2024.

We invite you to nominate your chapter for one of the new APBP Chapter Awards! Please read the criteria below before completing the form. Your nomination should be concise, yet thorough and informative. Chapter Awardees will be announced at the APBP Conference in Detroit, August 12-14, 2024.

Submit a Chapter Award Nomination

Chapter Awards Criteria:

APBP Chapter Awards recognize the achievements of APBP chapters that have added value to the organization by creating opportunities for local APBP members to grow, engage and connect. Through their efforts, they have raised the visibility of our organization and helped to strengthen and grow our profession and our membership. Up to two awards may be given:

  1. Chapter of the Year Award: the most outstanding chapter (typically for a larger chapter of more than 25 members)
  2. Chapter Momentum Award: a chapter that has shown the most improvement (for a smaller chapter of less than 25 members)

Chapter Awards will recognize the work that chapters have completed in the previous year, which is likely to include some of the items listed below. For each chapter activity/program type below, please provide the activity/program name, date, location, number of attendees, and a brief description. Where possible, highlight how the event benefited or addressed member recruitment, diversity and inclusion, and/or leadership opportunities:

  • Communication with Members: Regular touch points with chapter members with opportunities for contributions and engagement such as in-person or virtual meetings, collecting feedback and ideas and updates about activities
  • Networking/Social Events: Did your Chapter hold any networking events? Describe any events that would have led to a particularly meaningful experience for members.
  • Training/Professional Development: Did your Chapter host any training events or professional development opportunities for your members? Did your Chapter engage in any activities to educate and inform members about issues, legislation, APBP policy statements and/or regulations that might impact the transportation industry?
  • Field Trips/Technical Tours: Did your Chapter go on any field trips or technical tours?
  • Service Projects: Did your Chapter participate in any community service projects such as demonstration/pilot projects, STEM events, clean-ups, bike to work day events, community rides or walks?
  • Student/Younger Member Support: Describe how your Chapter supported your APBP Students and Young or New Professional Members (i.e. student engagement, local student/academic programs, mentoring, etc.).
  • Community Outreach: Did your Chapter, for example, connect with local advocacy/community organizations, Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committees or other transportation organizations to address a local transportation issue or collaborate with industry on a project or program?


Submit a Chapter Award Nomination