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June 2021 WebinarEvolving Multi-modal Impact Analyses Presenters: Level of service has dominated project traffic impact analysis for decades. For nearly as long, LOS has been critiqued for its focus on automobiles at the expense of quality active transportation infrastructure. Now the regulatory environment is changing. California is implementing SB 743, requiring that LOS be replaced by vehicle miles traveled, elevating the importance of proactive approaches for safety. Oakland implemented new guidelines in 2017 that incorporate bike/ped safety and equity considerations. The District of Columbia Department of Transportation developed Comprehensive Transportation Review Guidelines that focus on site and streetscape design such as capping off-street parking in transit accessible areas. This panel, with planners from Oakland, DDOT, and Fehr & Peers highlights evolving performance metrics and tools that better measure the entire transportation system. Click here to register for the June webinar This webinar is being offered for AICP credit. |