November 2021 Webinar

Walking & Biking in Rural Communities: How Planning, Partnerships & Equity Play a Role
Wednesday, November 17 at 3:00 PM EST

Cody Christianson, Bolton & Menk, Inc.
Jasper Kruggel, City of Le Sueur
Sonja Piper, Minnesota Department of Transportation
Eric DeVoe, Minnesota Department of Transportation

This webinar will consist of three parts: 1.Best practices and lessons learned for implementing bike and ped facilities in rural cities, and the challenges faced when working with small communities (presented by Bolton & Menk) 2.Example of successful implementation through strong partner relationships and proper planning in the City of Le Sueur, a city of 4,000 people located between Mankato and the Twin Cities (presented by City of Le Sueur) 3.The Minnesota Department of Transportation's (MnDOT) efforts to prioritize planning and investment in pedestrian and bicyclist infrastructure within an equity and environmental justice context has led to its development of the SPACE (Suitability for Pedestrian And Cycling Environment) tool. We will give an overview of MnDOT's SPACE tool and how it is applied to equitably plan and construct pedestrian and bicycle facilities (presented by MnDOT).

Click here to register for the November webinar
(APBP members will be prompted to login, non-members can create an account to register)

This webinar is being offered for AICP credit.