A chapter can be formed by two APBP member co-chairs and a group of local/regional APBP members.
Reasons to start a local chapter:
- Help APBP members succeed
- Connect and engage APBP members
- Grow APBP members' knowledge and expertise
- Put a local face on APBP
- Create a feedback loop between APBP and APBP members
- Strengthen and grow the profession locally
- Promote interdisciplinary conversation and collaboration
- Work across disciplines to achieve local active, sustainable transportation goals
- Inspire creativity across jurisdictions and political divides
- Add value to and expand APBP membership
Recommended Elements of APBP Local Chapters
1. Member Benefits
- Social & networking events
- Mentor opportunities
- Contribute to the profession
- Engage with APBP
2. Program Diversity
- Meet-ups – purely social or with program elements
- Panels
- Pecha Kucha sessions
- Presentations by thought leaders and subject matter experts
- Active Transportation Tours (i.e. Complete Streets tours)
- Women Cycling Summit
3. Professional Development
- Host local and regional conferences
- Host APBP webinars
- Host APBP on-site workshops (accessibility, bicycle parking, complete streets)
4. Effective Communication
- To, from and between members
- With other APBP chapters
- Ensure strong member input into APBP programming
- With other organizations
- With local and regional government by recommending policies and engagement in public discussion
5. Outreach
- Students/academic programs
- Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committees
- Professionals in advocacy organizations
- Pro bono work in underserved communities (e.g. walk and bike audits)
- Senior mobility
- Schools, parks, transit (Safe Routes to School; to Parks, to Transit)
- Elected Officials
If you are interested in starting a chapter, please contact Lauren Santangelo ([email protected]) at APBP headquarters.